First Semester Material

Lectures 17, 18: Requirements Specification, Parts 3 and 4. Behaviour modelling, use case modelling, activity modelling and interaction modelling.
Lectures 15, 16: Requirements Specification, Parts 1 and 2. State modelling, creating class diagrams, modelling attributes, associations, aggregation and generalisation.
Lectures 13, 14: Requirements Determination. Business use cases, business class diagrams and the requirements document. Feedback for Practicals 2, 3 and 4.
Lectures 11, 12: Requirements Determination. Described traditional and modern requirements elicitation techniques (interviews, questionnaires, observation, study of documents, brainstorming, JAD, prototyping and RAD - see lecture 7); requirements negotiation and validation; requirements management; business modelling.
Lectures 9, 10: An introduction to UML. Introduced use cases, activity diagrams, class diagrams, sequence and collaboration diagrams, statechart diagrams, component and deployment diagrams. Lecture 10 contained feedback for Practical 1.
Lecture 8: Object-Orientation and UML. Basic concepts of object-orientation were presented as well as their UML representation.
Lecture 7: Software Lifecycle Methodologies. Different software development methodologies were described.
Lecture 6: Software Lifecycle. This lecture described the different software lifecycle phases associated with a software development project.
Lecture 5: Feasibility Analysis. This described different feasibility analysis techniques that can be used to assess the potential risks of a new IS project
Lecture 4: System Planning. This presented various methods that can be used to identify, classify and select information systems projects.
Lecture 3: Building Better Software. This lecture described software engineering and component software and discussed criteria and techniques that can be used to assess and build good software systems.
Lecture 2: Analogy. This lecture compared software construction with building construction and discussed a number of software development failures. Various problems that arise in software development were described.
Lecture 1: Introduction This includes advice about what is expected in order to pass the course, as well as recommended course textbooks, practical marking schemes, and details of the exemption scheme.
Practical submission guidelines:
Practical 7: Requirements Specification: State Modelling - 1
Practical 6: Requirements Determination, Part 2
Practical 5: Requirements Determination, Part 1
Practical 4: Concepts of Object Orientation
Practical 3: Cost-benefit Analysis and the Software Lifecycle Methodologies
Practical 2: Feasibility Analysis and the Software Lifecycle
Practical 1: Software Development
Last modified: Friday 3rd December, 2004