Dr Alexandra Coddington

Senior Teaching Fellow

Computer and Information Sciences


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Compilation of LTL goal formulas into PDDL
Cresswell S., Coddington A.M.
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004), (2004)
A motivation-based planning and execution framework
Coddington A.M., Luck M.
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools Vol 13, pp. 5-25, (2004)
Adapting LPGP to plan with deadlines
Cresswell S., Coddington A.M.
ECAI 2004Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications Vol 110, pp. 983-984, (2004)
Handling LTL formulas in a plan graph
Cresswell S., Coddington A.M., Brown K.N.
Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group, pp. 15-21, (2004)
Planning with timed literals and deadlines
Cresswell S., Coddington A.M., Porteous J.M.
22nd Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group, pp. 22-35, (2003)
Towards motivation-based plan evaluation
Coddington A.M., Luck M., Russell I., Haller S.
Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International FLAIRS Conference, pp. 298-302, (2003)

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Dr Alexandra Coddington
Senior Teaching Fellow
Computer and Information Sciences

Email: alex.coddington@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4521